Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10 2014 Sunday

Today I am uneasy.

Bro. R preached about woman leadership. There was blatant emphasis on submission and male leadership. While I agree that there is such a thing as order in the household, to extend that to the workplace is unwarranted.

Furthermore, it was assumed (or rather, unclarified) that the biblical idea of 'male leadership' is the same as the dominating leadership that was passed down way back from the patriarchal eras. But in the kingdom of God, leadership is service, not the distorted idea of instutional leadership in the modern church.
I maintain that the role of the woman is to help the man, as Adam was to be helped by Eve. This 'helping' does not necessarily mean to leave all the housework to the woman, though that is an example. Eve was to help Adam in his work for the Lord, not to help him to a sandwich. I think that the church has a largely biased view on what 'helping' could mean.

A proper reading of scripture gives a high regard for women. I would someday like to go through all of those passages, but I do not have the research capabilities now.

On another note, I was supposed to meet M, but she's not replying. The thing is this meeting looks so much like a date that my parents are sure to ask annoying questions (see my brother's text?). Even if she doesn't show up (which is currently the most likely thing to happen), the result would be the same. Not that I care about what they think; it's just plain annoying.

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