Saturday, March 14, 2015

March 13 2015 Friday

Two days ago we didn't have internet. So my dad bought load for the internet sim but Globe Tattoo is very slow. It forced my brother to borrow my laptop and go outside to improve the signal (which didn't make the internet any faster). Our doting parents called for an electric fan to be setup for him, but my brother didn't want one. So he went back in shortly after the fan was setup. My mom called him ingrato because of that.

Anyway I realized that

Not all help is wanted.
Not all help is needed.
Not all help is appreciated.

If so, then will you help people?


Today I met the summer moon. She was every bit as lovely as she wad charming.

She brought three of her friends: Pamela, Marcy, and Fiona. I've heard of them from her before, except for Marcy. They were all very talkative. Not as nature-appreciating as I, but that's of course a different kind of fun. Although they tried to act natural I know they are still shy and holding back. So I was mostly out of place but it was also fun to watch them.

We ate at Rodic's and they gave me two books, The Fifth Mountain and Dante's Inferno. Rode ikot, walked around, from Engglib2 to Tabujara to Arki to Lagoon. They walk slowly so that's 5 hours already.

After that I cleaned the FETS lab but no one really likes cleaning. I wonder why though. Anyway FETS lab corridor was a bit broken, with the tiles warping up out of the floor and I found out that dad's building also has the same problem.

I also saw her and the princess but I didn't talk to them

We also have internet and my brother and I were supposed to play together but he had a lot of updates to download. I'll download it for him sometime soon.

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