Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 28 2015 Tuesday

Today was almost an uneventful day. I made a gram of 5wt% catalyst alone, in the lab, and there was no CW10 class, too. It was a normal day, until I went to AS to go to the CR. Then there was this thin girl who asked where to go for transfer, but was apparently from Stand UP. She began by saying bad things about Alyansa actually. So she was trying to convince me of the mass action thing and I told her about hasty generalizations they make and the faulty overthrow approach.

What's wrong about mass action? Nothing inherent, actually. It is, however, their belief that nothing happens without mass action. That, I don't approve. I believe that action can come from the top and from the bottom. And also inherent in this belief is a disbelief in God, be it His omnipotence or benevolence.

Should a Christian be an activist? Many would say no, quoting Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God." The context of this statement should be noted, however. (I got this one from pastor Rei.) During that time, Caesar declared himself to be God. In view of that, the whole passage becomes ironic. I think the apostle repeatedly says "God's minister" to refer that Caesar is merely a servant whether he like it or not, for the Sovereign turns the heart of kings wherever he wishes. Romans 13 is subversive, being against the blasphemy of Caesar, yet at the same time submissive, obeying the rule of law. He even admonishes them to pay the excessive taxes.

The apostle's conclusion is very reminiscent of Christ's words: "Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law."

And so, cliché as it may be, it boils down to duty and love. Is being an activist love? It might not be, but it is also a citizen's duty.

So how can we be activists with love? I don't think it's by shouting and saying bad things about the government. A good example would be Gandhi. And a more modern example would be the Hong Kong activists. The best example would be Christ, who could have called ten thousand angels to overthrow the Romans, yet chose to pay His taxes and stay on the cross.

So yes, it is important to voice our concerns, but it should be done in the proper way.

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